Dear 2021, if past is a lesson then I have learnt these ten lessons from you -
1. That life is ultimately what we make out of it
2. That life is amazing just the way it is but to make it amazing every day we must choose things that we love and are passionate about
3. That there’s no past without pain and no sunshine without some rain
4. That there’s an adventure in every day things too if only we have eyes to look and heart to believe
5. That not everything or everyone will remain the same but to keep the journey exciting one must adopt and adapt to the change
6. That my today might be in darkness but my tomorrow can be full of light, only if I remember to wake up and step outside
7. That no matter what, there’s only one person who can truly change my life, and that is I
8. That death is not a tragedy if we truly live till we die
9. That love is not the answer to every question but if we treat every question with love then it is
10. That no matter how much we wish to hold on to something or someone, when it is time for them to go, it is best to let them go
Dear 2022, if future is hope then I hope these ten things from you -
1. That you will keep inspiring and goading me with new challenges, ideas and adventures
2. That you will never allow me to rest upon my laurels
3. That you will bring upon my path more perils than comforts for only then would I become better
4. That you will always show me my path even in complete darkness
5. That you will bring more moments of love and care, friendship and forgiveness into my life
6. That I will always find you ahead of me calling upon my soul to never give up
7. That when it is time for you to depart, you will go with your last warm wintery embrace
8. That you will take me higher, farther, loftier than ever before
9. That you will leave me and the world in a far better place than where you found us
10. That you will leave some of my dreams unfulfilled so my journey can continue even without you